July 29, 2024
Utilicast was selected to conduct a review and assessment of selected IT tools for an Eastern investor owned utility after a significant storm introduced performance and functional challenges in certain IT tools. #OutageManagement
Utilicast was selected to conduct a review and assessment of selected IT tools for an Eastern investor owned utility after a significant storm introduced performance and functional challenges in certain IT tools. #OutageManagement
Utilicast will support a Central cooperative’s transition of the current Strategic Plan and complete valuable prerequisite activities that position the future Strategic Plan for successful rollout and adoption. #ProgramManagementOffice
Utilicast will serve as strategic advisor for an Eastern investor owned utility’s Grid Modernization efforts, including road mapping, sequencing, integration, and migration timing of existing and planned Operation Technology (OT) systems in alignment with existing SOM, DMS, DERMS, DSCADA, and FERC 2222 compliance. Utilicast will also provide SMA support for the new OSI OMS system. […]
Utilicast will support a Central private utility with a DER Process Flor to help determine how to enable DERs for their customers. #RenewableAndDERIntegration
Utilicast was selected by a public Pacific utility to provide Grid Technologies support for their DERMS implementation, to include configuration, testing and interface of DERMS to ADMS and DERSOR. #DERMS
Utilicast will provide consulting services to support an Eastern investor-owned utility’s FERC 2222 Implementation in preparation for the PJM energy/ancillary services market participation go live. These services include process modeling, user story development, vendor selection for interconnection and market registration workstreams, and settlement process impact analysis. #RenewableAndDERIntegration
Utilicast was selected to support a Mountain investor owned-utility (IOU) search for Department of Energy (DOE) funding opportunities and proposal submission for a Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) funding opportunity.
Utilicast will provide project management support for a public Pacific utility’s Grid Edge meter collar proof of concept rollout and meter rollout through 2024. #AdvancedMetering
Utilicast will assist a public Pacific utility in the ongoing management and administration of grid edge computing and related programs. #ADMS
Utilicast shall provide consulting services to support an Eastern investor-owned utility’s roadmap and requirements review related to FERC 2222 compliance. These services shall include a current state assessment of regulatory and technology workstreams in preparation for the PJM energy/ancillary services market participation go live. The consulting services shall include a FERC 2222 application architecture and […]