Areas of Expertise
Our consultants are dedicated to delivering results for our clients by applying industry-specific knowledge, skills and expertise to every project. Our senior technical and industry consultants are the lifeblood of our business. Their deep expertise of the energy industry, specifically deregulated energy markets, makes Utilicast the name you can trust.

Regional Reliability
We work closely with RTOs, ISOs, and Transmission Operators to implement the systems and processes necessary to ensure overall safety and reliability of the grid. SCADA / ICCP, EMS, control room design, asset optimization, and much, much, more.

Centralized Markets
Forward and real-time market systems, member integration, price and load forecasting, commercial operations, and market training are just a few of the ways that we support today’s energy markets.

We partner with generation owners, independent power producers, and aggregators to ensure the most economic, effective, and efficient strategy and operation of generation resources. GMS, portfolio optimization, AGC, and SCADA are amongst our many capabilities in the generation area.

Our focus in the transmission area centers around regulatory compliance, operator capabilities, strategic planning, and IT/OT integration. Utilicast is at the forefront, helping plan and operate a self-sustaining, resilient, and reliable energy grid.

Increased visibility, control, automation and operational flexibility have become business imperatives for distribution operations. Utilicast brings a diverse set of capabilities to the table, including ADMS, OMS, DERMS, distribution automation, and cybersecurity.

We work with clients to help make sense of the ever-changing customer space. Utilicast helps create differentiated customers experiences through CIS replacements and upgrades, call center operations, and all processes from meter to cash.

Energy Services
Our clients are continuously seeking out the best bang for their investment bucks without compromising reliability and resiliency. We bring deep expertise in the areas of AMI, distributed energy resources, micro-grids, operating procedures, and asset optimization.

As technology and delivery methods evolve, the need for usability, simplicity, and actionability amidst the virtual mountains of data remains consistent. We specialize in IT strategy, enterprise solution architecture, regulatory compliance, IT cost and budgeting, cyber-security, program and project management, change management, and business / system analysis.