Solution Overview

Generation system planning is evolving as the industry experiences increased levels of distributed generation, energy storage, and demand response. Electric vehicle charging needs are forecast to grow substantially in some areas over the next decade. The business environment is also changing as rate-making evolves, and considerations such as non-wires alternatives must be addressed.
With changing regulations and solution costs, utilities and resource developers are interested in creating and updating plans for upgraded and new generation and transmission assets. Utilicast can help you navigate state and federal regulations and market conditions and rules to guide and inform your generation and transmission planning efforts.
Utilicast can assist organizations in improving their distribution planning processes, including risk-based planning criteria selection, load forecasting, DER growth scenarios, and improved utilization of AMI, operational data, and third-party data sources in distribution planning.
Core Services
- Strategy & Concepts
- Assessments
- Requirements
- Procurement
- Design & Architecture
- Project Management
- Integration & Testing
- Change Management
- Training
- Facilities & Infrastructure
- Analytics & Optimization
- Compliance & Review
Solution Expert

Zach Gill-Sanford
Mr. Gill-Sanford has 12 years of experience in transmission strategy, transmission policy, transmission planning, stakeholder outreach, and market assessment and integration. Zach is highly knowledgeable about the California ISO Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), including interchange schedule model configuration, meter registration, transmission operator system integration, OATT revisions, EIM MBR analysis, and EIM-related presentations to transmission customers, FERC staff, and state regulators. He has performed transmission availability and interconnection studies for various FERC-jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional transmission owners. He is actively involved in transmission contracts and transmission policy development throughout the Western grid.